Recipient of NASA Silver Achievement Medal 2023
For exceptional leadership of the Assessment and Investigations Office change process, and developing and executing the first Early Life Cycle Assessment.
High School: Hinsdale High School, Hinsdale, NH; 1978 High School Diploma.
Undergraduate: Massachusetts Maritime Academy, Buzzards Bay MA; 1982 Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering.
Graduate: Completed 20 Credit Hours toward MBA in Leadership; Franklin Pierce College, NH, Strayer University Jack Welch Management Institute, VA.
License: U.S. Coast Guard License; 1982 Third Assistant Engineer, Steam and Motor Power Plants unlimited size.
Professional Certifications: Defense Acquisition University; 2001 Level III Certification Systems Engineering and Level II Production, Quality and Manufacturing; Defense Acquisition Professional Community Member since 2001 (similar to APICS).
2/2017 – present: Show Me Quality Consulting (SMQC) Supply Chain Technical Expert
8/2016 – present: Virginia Class Program Office, PMS450T, Ship Control System (SCS) Program Contractor coordinator for C5I systems software/hardware interface with SCS SW/HW
12/2014 – 8/2016: Retired, travel, fielded many program, technical, policy, budget questions for multiple offices at Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) and Naval Surface Warfare Center
From February 2006 to December 2014, as the Naval Sea Systems (NAVSEA) Command 04P Director and supervisor for Supplier Quality, Critical Material, Procurement Fraud, Counterfeit Material, and critical material failure analysis investigation Programs I successfully led and directed engineering and program workers actions associated with critical material failure and quality investigations, material purchasing, supplier management, material logistics data, audits of suppliers, Navy Commands and prime contractors, (Electric Boat and HII Newport News Shipbuilding), material receipt inspection, material certification, material control, fraud and counterfeit investigations with NCIS special agents integrated on my staff, and support Department of Justice (DOJ) criminal investigations and hearings. In support of these efforts and on behalf of Naval Sea Systems Command, I worked with and coordinated efforts between all Navy Commands, Army, DOJ, Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), Homeland Security, Customs and Boarder Protection, FBI, Intellectual Property Rights Commission, Aerospace Industry Association, Semi-Conductor Industry Association, NASA, and many other organizations and government agencies.
Demonstrated successful leadership through good communications, ability to inspire, creativity, a positive attitude, confidence, commitment to finishing a task, sense of humor, and honesty by providing the leadership and guidance necessary to achieve the following tasks:
From August 2000 to February 2006, I was an engineering supervisor in NAVSEA 07T, Submarine Hull, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Management Division which executes technical (warrant) authority for all in service submarines. In August 2000, as the Propulsion Sea Water System Section Head I provided the leadership and guidance to my staff and the Navy Warfare Centers for ship alteration development and approval, direct fleet support, wavier and deviation final decision, qualification of research and development products for use on in service submarines, and logistics data for material acquisition.
In January 2003, I assumed the collateral duty of NAVSEA 07TC, SUBSAFE (SS) Section Head. I provided the in service technical authority leadership and guidance to this staff for the Deep Diving General Overhaul Specification (DDGOS), SUBSAFE Design Review, SUBSAFE Certification of major submarine availabilities, HME Standardize Test Program, and Unrestricted Operation Maintenance Requirement Card Program (URO MRC). In January 2004, I assumed the collateral duty of Fly-by-Wire Ship Control System (FBW SCS) Program Director. I led the initial development, approval and implementation of the FBW SCS Requirements Technical Manual for Submarine FBW SCSs, which provides the administrative and technical requirements for design, development, test, initial certification and maintenance of FBW SCS certification. These requirements provide maximum reasonable assurance the FBW SCS will not cause a casualty or prevent submarine recovery from a flooding or control surface jam casualty for SEAWOLF, VIRGINIA and all future submarines classes.
In 2005, I became the Branch Head (NAVSEA 07T2) for the following Sections: submarine Propulsion and Sea Water Systems; Electrical and Power Distribution; and Ship Control Systems and FBW SCS Program. Significant achievements of leadership and technical authority follow:
From November 1985 to August 2000, I worked at Submarine Maintenance Engineering, Planning and Procurement (SUBMEPP) Activity and developed standardized procedures for the repair, overhaul, monitoring, and testing of various hull, mechanical and electrical systems and components for all US Navy submarine classes. This includes Availability Work Package development, HME Standardize Test Procedures, Maintenance Procedures, Class Maintenance Plans, and Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) analysis for sea water systems. In 1990 I moved to program management and became the US Navy’s second Program Manager of the URO MRC Program. Within three years I established SSN 688 Class MOD 25 unique URO MRCs, SEAWOLF Class URO MRCs and Program and the Dry Deck Shelter Hull Integrity Procedures (DDS HIP) and Program. The DDS HIP program was developed to support certification of DDS.
By 1993 I was the SUBMEPP SUBSAFE and the organization’s first Deep Submergence Systems Scope of Certification (DSS SOC) Program Director. As a valued advisor to the SUBMEPP Chief Engineer and Executive Steering Committee I expertly crafted SUBMEPP’s vision and strategic direction in these important areas and led implementation of SS/DSS SOC requirements into all SUBMEPP programs to transition SUBMEPP from a matrix to a process based organization. I supported the material procurement process, including Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) as the Seawater System Engineer and later as the SS/DSS SOC Director by ensuring contracts for material used in Level I, SS and DSS SOC applications contained all technical, program and material control requirements. This included long lead time material procured for the SHIPALT converting SSN 688 Class submarines to DDS host ships.
From June 1982 to November 1985 I worked at Norfolk Naval Shipyard in Design Division evaluating damaged submarine HME and combat systems and equipment, including corrosion and erosion of various metal types in static and dynamic applications. Identified and communicated to shops/waterfront the appropriate repairs and issued instructions. This includes reading/interpreting blueprints, drawings, maintenance standards, HM&E test procedures, technical manuals, material specifications and other technical documents. I also participated in the shipyards material provisioning process when material was not available in the Navy Supply system and DLA Stock Programs by preparing the logistics and technical information for shipyard local procurement of material. I went to sea on SSN 688 class submarine sea trials after shipyard maintenance availabilities.
LEAN Greenbelt: LEAN principles are used regularly to minimize program/process waste and maximize program value to the customer.
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and Covey: used as a process approach when providing leadership and guidance to ensure engineering staff attention to detail, discipline to document and follow processes, organization is maintained in a daily high pace and complex engineering work environment, and work is conducted safely and technically correct.
Causal Analysis: codified process used to identify and document causes of a material or process failure, including corrective actions to recover and prevent future repeat failures.
Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM): process used to establish safe minimum level of maintenance for shipboard systems.
Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, and Outlook: use Word, PowerPoint and Outlook daily; use Excel/Access weekly to display database information and program measures.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) – used for time keeping, material purchase, contracting with private companies for labor/services and funding Navy field Commands engineering services.
Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA):
NAVSEA 04, Logistics, Maintenance and Industrial Operations Directorate
02/06 – 12/2014: NAVSEA 04P, Supplier Product Quality Department Head – Supervisor for Supplier Quality, Product Quality, Material Fraud, Counterfeit Material, Critical Safety Items, Level I and Material Control, and Controlled Industrial Material Programs
06/08 – 12/2014: DON Program Manager, Product Data Reporting and Evaluation Program (Collateral duty – report to Deputy Assistant Secretary of Navy for Expeditionary, Logistics and Maintenance (DASN-ELM))
NAVSEA 07T, Submarine Hull, Mechanical and Electrical Systems Engineering Div.
03/05 – 02/2006: NAVSEA 07T2, Branch Head – Supervisor for Electrical and Power Distribution, Propulsion, Seawater and Ship Control Sections
01/03 – 03/2005: NAVSEA 07TC, Section Head – Supervisor for Submarine Safety (SUBSAFE) and Submarine Fly-By-Wire Ship Control System (FBW SCS) Programs
08/00 - 01/2003: NAVSEA 07T25, Section Head – Supervisor for Submarine Seawater Systems
Sub1marine Maintenance Engineering, Planning and Procurement (SUBMEPP) Activity:
04/93 - 08/2000: Submarine Safety (SUBSAFE) and Deep Submergence Systems Scope of Certification (DSS SOC) Director
(04/93 - 10/1995: Unrestricted Operation Maintenance Requirement Card (URO MRC) and Dry Deck Shelter Hull Integrity Procedure (DDS HIP) Programs collateral duty with SS/DSS SOC)
02/91 – 04/1993: URO MRC and DDS HIP Program Manager
11/85 – 02/1991: Seawater Systems Engineer for all classes of submarines
Norfolk Naval Shipyard:
Design Department
09/83 - 11/1985: Code 265, Submarine Piping and Mechanical; Provide engineering support for submarine shipboard and shop maintenance, repair and overhaul work
03/83 – 09/1983: Code 240, CGN Planning Yard; Developed Ship Alteration (SHIPALT) for USS Bainbridge and Long Beach Condensate and Feed System
06/82 – 03/1983: Code 264, Machinery Diagnostics and Vibrational Analysis; Diagnose ship and submarine rotating machinery health and conduct structure born noise surveys