Olga Ceritelli is a Quality Assurance and Auditing professional. She has more than 15 years of experience in Aerospace, with over 15 years in support of NASA Auditing and Safety and Mission Assurance and has supported activities in support of NASA Headquarters, NASA Office of Safety and Mission Assurance, the NASA Safety Center, Ames Research Center, Langley Research Center, Marshall Space Flight Center, and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Recently, Olga served as the Honeywell Program Manager for the NASA Audits, Assessments, and Assurance (A3) Contract and previously for NASA Contract Assurance Services (NCAS). Both contracts were multi-million dollar contracts that provided NASA with Safety and Mission Assurance support. While at Honeywell, Olga also served as the Project Manager for the NASA Surveys, Audits, Assessments, and Reviews Information System (SAARIS) and supported a variety of audit programs. Prior to working for Honeywell, she served as a Deputy Program Element Manager for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory supporting NASA Wide Assurance Initiatives, through the Assurance Technology Program Office (ATPO) and as the Procurement Quality Assurance Lead. Olga previously also served in the United States Marine Corps where she assumed numerous billets supporting operations.
2007 Masters of Information Systems/Management, University of Phoenix
2002 Bachelors of Arts, Psychology, University of California at Los Angeles
Show Me Quality Consulting
Provide support for and input to SMQC key business development decisions, research, strategies and their implementation, and proposal development. Provide customer support in the areas such as auditing, training, and technical consulting. Assist in business management and compliance to contract requirements.
Honeywell Technology Solutions, Inc. (HTSI), Technical Services
Program Manager, Program Manager, NASA Audits, Assessments, and Assurance (A3) Services Contract and NASA Contract Assurance Services (NCAS)
Managed multi-million dollar contracts with NASA including responsibility for Internal and External Program Reviews, manager development, operations oversight, and program policies and procedures. Accountable for contract compliance in all areas including Federal Acquisition Regulations Requirements (FAR), Safety Requirements, and Quality Requirement. Liaison with other Honeywell teams to cross-train and leverage resources. Worked with teams to develop solutions for challenges encountered in supporting NASA and Industry Safety and Mission Assurance activities. Responsible for reviewing and/or writing responses to NASA Safety and Mission Assurance Support proposal requests.
Honeywell Technology Solutions, Inc. (HTSI), Technical Services
Deputy Program Manager, NASA Contract Assurance Services (NCAS)
Served as a task interface with the customer for various activities, tasks and processing of tasks and amendments. Supported numerous Program Management functions including support of Program Reviews, development and review of key customer deliverables, and hiring activities. Maintained a training guideline for hiring of NASA NCAS employees. Developed personnel in areas such as task management, hiring, and auditing. Supported Audits, Assessments, and Review activities including conducting a Mission Assurance Requirements gap analysis with GSFC.
Honeywell Technology Solutions, Inc. (HTSI), Technical Services
Quality Engineer Lead
Served as the Project Manager for the Surveys, Audits, Assessments, and Review Information System (SAARIS) in use by numerous NASA Centers and programs. Supported various NCAS tasks including the NASA Process Control Team, NASA Quality Management System Audits, Programmatic Audits and Reviews, Institutional Programmatic Support Audits, NASA Center Audits, Gap Analyses, and NASA Supply Chain Audits. Augmented the NCAS Program Management Office by providing support in the areas of customer interface, task response, amendments and development efforts as needed.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA Wide Assurance Initiatives, Assurance Technology Program Office (ATPO)
Provided oversight to the NASA Wide Assurance Initiatives Programs;
Performed JPL Internal and External, NASA, ICOP, and/or Joint Federal Audits. Led the NASA Supplier Management System development, including responsibility for Software Management Plan. Developed and provided training in support of the Registrar Management Council. Participated in industry standard updates for Aerospace, Quality Management Systems, audit oversight and related standards. Participated in Joint Federal Supplier development efforts. Provided management reports to Program Manager and NASA Headquarters.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Procurement Quality Assurance
Team Lead
Provided oversight to JPL Material Review Board development, supplier corrective actions, training, and deployment of JPL’s Supplier Rating System. Coordinated processes between Quality and Acquisition Division. Responsible for quality controls for critical items using Government Purchasing Cards. Led the Quality and Project Communication Improvement Work Group. Provided NASA Headquarters feedback on Supplier Rating Systems and their applications in the Government. Coordinated closure of all procurement quality corrective actions. Served as the NASA Representative to the Registrar Management Council. Provided Quality Initiative Briefs to JPL, NASA, Primes, and other Federal Agencies. Conducted internal and external audits. Participated as an instructor for PQA training including Project Familiarization, Procurement, Q-Course, P-Cards, Quality Clauses, Key Characteristics, Auditor, and others training curricula. Responsible for audit process control.
ACRO Procurement Quality Assurance
Consultant to JPL
Quality Management System Lead Assessor. Maintained a unified Approved Supplier List (ASL). Coordinated Audits with supplier and functioned as the primary JPL PQA interface with Suppliers. Represented JPL on NASA’s Joint Audit Planning Committee. Represented JPL’s interest in NASA’s Supplier Assessment System. Augmented the ISO Office as Internal Auditor. Participated as member of the Approved Supplier Working Group, the Acquisition’s Supplier Management Work Group and the PQA Procedures Work Group.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Procurement Quality Assurance (PQA)
Academic Part-Time
Created the initial unified JPL Approved Supplier List and developed related processes. Responsible for Supplier Audit planning and coordination and developed respective audits. Developed audit record maintenance policies. Conducted Supplier Audits. Represented JPL on NASA’s Joint Audit Planning Committee. Represented JPL’s interest in NASA’s Supplier Assessment System.
United States Marine Corps Reserve
Various positions
Performed duties associated with operations support and supply and administration.
Audit, Assessment, and Review Experience – Includes Quality Assurance Team Member on NASA Quality Audits, Assessment and Reviews (QAARs); NASA Office of Safety and Mission Assurance (OSMA) Institutional Programmatic Support (IPS) Audits; Requirements flow down and SMA Engineering. Design, Audits, and Assessments (REDAA); GSFC and JPL Supply Chain Audits; JPL internal audits; Supported special assessment activities at different NASA Centers.